One of my coworkers asked me to house sit for her while she went out of town with her family. They’re basically an awesome couple who genuinely like me and their kid is completely sweet. So I instantly said yes. It also helps that they have a sweet house that’s very unique and artsy. I would have my own tiny house complete with cats (also a dog and chickens… who, while I don’t hate, I feel quite apathetic towards) for a whole week. This was before I moved out of my parents’ house so it would be like living on my own. It was gonna be fantastic. Things got even better when she had me over to show me the ropes. You know, this is the cat food, they eat this much, this is the dog food, they eat this much, this is the chicken feed, they eat this much, gather the eggs, lock the doors, water the plants, put out fires, don’t let hobos in, etc. And then, at the end she adds: “You can have a few friends over if you want to… Eat the food in the fridge! Have some drinks. Enjoy yourself!” Magic. Words. Have a party and drink free booze at someone else’s house? Eat free food? Yes please and thank you. But seriously. These wonderful people had a veritable cornucopia of alcoholic beverages. And me and my friends had free range.
Second gold mine discovered: As I scope the place out (like everyone who has ever house sat does) I find all the seasons of Coupling, which I had always wanted to watch. Coupling is like British “Friends” with an epic amount of sex. I commenced to watching this show like an obsessed nut.
Let the comedy of errors begin.
Friday - Coupling extravaganza. I make it through the entire first season and pass out on the sofa with the dog. Thinking back this is rather alarming since the sofa is sort of small and the dog is basically the same size as me.
Saturday night- When I get bored of the solitary existence that I’ve cultivated, I call my friends to come over and we decide to have a vampire movie marathon, beginning with that 80’s movie with the guy from that TV show that my mom likes. We make a stupid amount of pasta and pop the cork on a bottle of wine. We make it through four movies and two bottles of wine. I make it through two and a half movies and one bottle of wine. Allow me to reiterate: one bottle of wine to myself. I wake up the next day and, for the first time in my short career as a 21 year old, I am still drunk from the night before. Waking up drunk the next day is simply awful. You joke about it like, “Wouldn’t that be hilarious?” But… it’s totally not. You feel sort of hung over but still drunk at the same time. Everything is too bright and moving too fast but you still feel… wasted. Totally wasted. Waking up drunk is completely horrific. By the next day, you’re ready for the party to be over. I spend the day watching season two of Coupling.
Sunday night- I’m finishing up season two and I decide to make a pizza before I head over to play D&D with friends. I find a pizza in the freezer and preheat the oven. I dig around for a pizza pan/tray thing. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find something specific in someone else’s kitchen. You can only hope it’s logical, and it usually is… but slightly wrong. You find the silverware drawer on the left of the stove instead of the right and you think, what is this doing here? How is this organized? How can they live like this?!
Anyway, I find a pan and it’s all flippy floppy and black and plastic. I think,”Wow! This is amazing! It’s an oven safe flippy plastic pizza pan! You’d think this would melt but it’s just the right size, so it must be a pizza pan! Technology is AWESOME! I bet they use this shit at NASA!” I put the pizza on it and pop it in the oven, set the timer for 20 minutes and sit back down to more Coupling. The timer goes off, and I reluctantly pause the episode. I open the oven and a black oozing horror greets me with a waft of toxic smoke. The pan is gone. Instead I find the creature from the black lagoon melted on the bottom of my coworker’s oven. I am completely horrified. The atrocity before my eyes defies all logic. The pan… that I put in the oven…with the pizza…has…MELTED?
I take the pizza out. It looks delicious… I check out the bottom. It’s covered with the black plague turned molten lava. I sadly escort the pizza to the trash can, where I see the original pizza box. It says, “Place pizza directly on oven rack.” Insinuating, of course, THAT I DID NOT NEED A PIZZA PAN. At this point I want to kill myself and the makers of the stupid little pan. I frantically dig through the cupboard where I found the floppy bastard and find others of the same make but different sizes… with matching silver bowls… I have baked a pizza on a mixing bowl lid. I melted a mixing bowl lid in my coworker’s oven in the most ignorant kitchen disaster I have yet to be part of.
I sit in front of the open oven feeling my face crisp in the residual heat and cry, gesturing at the goo with gloves on my hands in a manner that may have indicated that I knew what I was doing, but really just conveyed my horror where words had failed me. The dog stared at me in abject confusion. Her owners left her with a crazy person. I pull out the oven racks with mitts and set them in the sink. The black viscous terror oozes and refuses to become separate from its new superheated metal home. It’s completely disgusting. So I do what I do in any other situation where I have made a huge mistake and have no idea how to fix it. I call my dad.
“Daddy….!” I tell him what horrors have befallen me. He tells me to wait and let the abomination dry before I try to clean it up. I like this plan. It means I don’t have to do anything right now. I close the oven and reassure the dog by giving her a treat. She accepts this as proof of sanity. I call Dominos and order a large pepperoni pizza. I un-pause the episode and powerhouse through the pizza, trying not to wallow in guilt and only somewhat succeeding by telling myself that it’ll be easy to clean once its dry. I head out to D&D where everyone tells me they would have cleaned it BEFORE it hardened to the consistency of steel. This does not make me feel better. I go back to the house and sleep.
Monday - The next morning, despite intense wishing that it might disappear, the toxic sludge has hardened to the approximate impenetrability of Teflon. Before I leave, as I feed all the animals and search for eggs amongst shit stained hay, my coworker, whom I genuinely love, calls to see how things are going. And I blatantly lie. I have no idea how to convey my stupidity over the phone where I can’t guilt trip them into feeling bad for me because I’m cute. EVERYTHING IS GOING GREAT.
After work, I head to the grocery store, where I buy some super scrubby soap stuff for ovens, rubber gloves, and three plastic spatulas. The spatulas are not an apology gift as I previously thought when my dad told me to buy them but instead scraping tools to get the plastic off the delicate porcelain lining that the oven has because it’s of an older variety. While a super intense metal spatula would scrape the mess off in one fell swoop (ok, a few fell swoops) it would also scratch the inside of the oven to hell. And since I didn’t want to give my friends another reason to suffocate me as a precaution just case I decide to spread my stupidity through procreation, I bought the plastic spatulas.
I get back to the house and sit down in front of the open oven. I think about Sylvia Plath. I get up and watch some Coupling to get myself in the right frame of mind. I figure I should probably study for tomorrow’s test at school… then I’m hungry so I find a snack. Watch some more Coupling. Get up and stare at the stove. It’s eight p.m. I get to work. Fifteen minutes later and my knees hurt from kneeling and my arms hurts from pushing the spatulas down as I scrape and my back hurts from leaning over at an odd angle and the wicked foe that has beleaguered the oven had hardly given way at all. I was exhausted. I called my dad.
My dad loves me with all his heart and could hear the agony and panic in my voice. He drove all the way across town and cleaned someone else’s oven. To this day he still hasn’t met the people whose oven I begged him to help me clean. He made headway where I had merely poked at the mess. Who am I joking? My dad practically cleaned the entire oven. I may have scraped some of the mess off of the oven racks that were still sadly soaking in the kitchen sink… but my dad had to help me get the tough spots. I blame my weak hands. I’m not cut out for hard labor.
So the oven is pretty much clean except for a little bit of plastic residue. My father tells me to put the oven through a self-clean cycle and then I could just wipe it out in the morning and the oven would be good as new, cleaner than it had been before. I do this and get ready for bed. It’ll go through its self-clean cycle tonight and I’ll wipe it clean in the morning, I tell myself. Everything is going to be ok. As I’m brushing my teeth I remember about my test tomorrow. Shit shit shit shit!!! I study for a few minutes and then turn off the light and snuggle down, desperately wishing that knowledge on the Baroque Period in Europe will solidify in my brain while I sleep and I will be miraculously ready for the test.
I’m lying in the dark and am almost asleep when I start to think about the oven slowly super heating the plastic again, and releasing a deadly silent poison that drifts through the house, killing me in my sleep. And ovens exploding. And about houses burning down because an oven was left on while an innocent girl sleeps. I sit up.
I check on the oven. It’s now 12:30 a.m. The oven is emitting a strange smoky smell, which apparently, is normal for ovens going through a self-clean cycle, mostly because they’re burning shit up inside of them. I know this now. But that night, I was seriously convinced that the oven was gonna explode. Or release a deadly fume. And if it didn’t kill me, it would probably kill their pets or something which would be insanely worse. Aside from, you know, being dead and everything. So I sit in front of the oven in my pajamas and watch it cook itself THE ENTIRE TIME, every once in a while inhaling deeply through my nose trying to detect deadly vapors. The self-clean takes forever and I fall into bed around 3 a.m.
I wake up at 10 a.m. to my alarm going off, which is weird because it’s supposed to go off at 9… which it did. I slept through an hour of the weird rave club music that I have chosen for my alarm because it’s obnoxious as hell. My class starts in ten minutes. I am forty minutes away from school. I sigh and slouch to my computer to write my instructor my excuse and since I actually really like this teacher, and know he’ll believe me, I tell him the truth. Then I go back to sleep.
I did clean the oven out and it looked cleaner than ever before. My friend and her husband thought the whole scenario was hilarious and liked their newly cleaned oven. When I go back to school I am able to take the test late and I get a “C”…thank god I got those extra days to study. I go in and talk to my teacher when I receive my test score to thank him for letting me take the test, and for believing my story. He laughed and said, “Don’t worry about it! I thought it was so funny, I sent it to all my co-workers as the best excuse I’ve ever gotten. Everyone thinks it’s fantastic!”