Three people living in a tiny house can accumulate clutter almost faster than the human eye can detect. I will literally get a surface clear of any schmoo piles (technical term for piles consisting of mostly mail, paperwork and project materials), get items in said piles distributed to their proper places, and not even have time to turn my little bright eyes around before the surface is re-cluttered with someone else’s project or work. This constant battle with clutter and the seemingly unrelated challenge of trying to live for the first time in our 23 year relationship on only one income, led me to start delving into Feng Shui. So to be clear, three people living in a tiny 860 square foot house is NOT the cause of my feeling cramped and three people living on one income so I can enjoy the blessing of staying home with my son is NOT the cause of me being frugal. Nay, nay I say to that far too pedantic assessment…being un-Fung Shui’d is the problem!! My stuff being in the wrong places is the source of all our woes!! So, I needed to start reading up on all of my zones, and Chi, and my Ba’Gua (map of your energetic stations), and which elements are most beneficial where…and then let the Fung begin!!
I entered into this endeavor with the adamant commitment that this is not about buying new stuff or discarding treasures, but about moving my existing stuff to the most energetically beneficial place. Sure, sure, I’ll throw out some clutter, donate some unused things, but NO PURCHASES!! Well, okay except the books on Fung Shui. I have to buy a couple books on Feng Shui, right? A-Ha, I’ll go to
Bookman’s and use trade book credit!! Genius!! Step one, hit our book shelves and seek out some triviality or excess to trim. Three bags of books and magazines, awesome!! Step one completed and behold…more space already…aaaahhh! This is going to be great!! More Fung to be had.
Flipping through the books to choose one, I see all kinds of easy ideas and tantalizing pictures of uncluttered spaces. This is going to rock hard!! Like spring cleaning with a spiritual purpose. Free up our creative energy, our money flow and our cohabitation energy all at once. Here I insert the image of an abundant garden surrounding a gleamingly clean and beautiful as well as functionally arranged home where my husband plays music with a big smile on his face, my son is joyfully busy at a big art project and I sip my tea while I sketch them both. This is reasonable, right? Plus, it is going to be easy as heck!! Move a couple throw pillows, dust the family photos…that sort of thing. Or…
Wait, what do you mean my toilet is my
Wealth and Prosperity Gua? Well, that sounds bad…of course I can’t move my toilet. Can I? No stop, stop, that’s ridiculous. How do we fix this? And what’s this, my bed is facing the wrong direction? Well, okay, but it’s not like it can fit any other direction in my tiny bedroom. Entryways are supposed to be clear? Really? Who doesn’t just dump their stuff there? Everyone does that. The worst thing for your
Children and Creativity Gua is red and fire…so the giant red wall around my fireplace in the center of that Gua is…? Alright, I guess there is Fung Shui meaning that you got to build your house from the ground up with these properties in mind and then there’s…I don’t know…Funky Shui, which is what all the rest of us can do. Okay. I can compromise. Some good energy is better than none. Plus, who could possibly be so effed up that they would need to reconfigure all nine areas of your Ba’ Gua? I mean come on…if your health, finances, career, knowledge, relationships, family, friends, and emotional well-being ALL suck you might need more than Feng Shui.
You might. I’m still pretty sure I can fix up all my minor stuff with the right portions…selections…morsels…of Fun Shooway!!
So, okay what’s the most important thing? Family right? Absolutely!!! Turns out, I don’t even need to worry about the
Wealth and Prosperity Gua because that’s all about having more than you need. Needs being met, enough money to pay the bills and not stress out, that’s right here in the
Family Gua!! Perfect. My
Family Gua is in my kitchen, well that certainly seems ideal! Let’s do this. Wait, what? Hmmm, metal it seems is bad energy in the
Family Gua. How do you not have metal in a kitchen? Sink faucets, oven, knives, GIANT METAL UNDERCABINET VENTHOOD!! How do we fix this? Oh wait, sink is okay because even though it’s made out of metal it inherently possesses the energy of water which is fine for the
Family Gua, whew! The oven? Actually fire, which is GREAT for the
Family Gua! That GIANT METAL UNDERCABINET VENTHOOD that vents nowhere because it’s under a cabinet…that sticks out an entire foot past the stove in our teeny tiny kitchen…that has always been a friggin’ nightmare to clean? It has noxious Chi. Maybe I can mask it. Stick some red (representing fire) glass (representing water) tiles on it. Might have to buy those. What would that look like? Well, I am not the only one who lives here so, I ask my husband what he thinks.
“Why don’t you take the hood out? It’s ugly, vents into your face if you ever turn it on, s'a bitch to clean. Pull it out. All you need there is a light.”
( Hood of Noxious Chi )
What a great idea! I guess I was thinking I would pull it out and the cabinet underneath would be beautiful and magically there would be a light there. Turns out, no. It does instantly look more spacious and inviting in my tiny kitchen, but clearly this upgrade is going to take a little time and probably a little money. A little track light, some nice fiery toned glass tiles to add that good fire energy AND be easy to clean. Yeah, I like that idea. Track light, new wiring for the track light, tiles, ooh...I could get those at
Fractured Earth, some grout that matches the cabinets, maybe some plexiglass to make a custom cover for the light…. I have to go the hardware store and maybe drop a couple of books off at
Bookman’s before they cost me any more money!!
( Ta-Dahh! )