the Healing of the Winds of the Four Directions
During a recent ceremony hosted by the amazing Shaman Women Healers at the Harmony Hut, I extracted statements and intentions about each of the elements included in the gift mandalas the group was creating and I commemorated the event in this poem.
Ayni Despacho Ceremony for the Healing of the Winds of the Four Directions
This pulsing vein of creation
that began as only a vision of our Ancestors
and now is strong enough,
palpable enough
to root us solidly to the core of the Earth,
to make us whole and substantial,
anchored equally to the tangible and the intangible
inviting us to become authentic
by realizing our imagination
and the pure intention we invest into it
will one day be our Descendants
and all the parameters of their world.
Honoring the power and potential
of that divine vision and hopefulness
Hope becoming source and sustenance,
the seed of transformation,
Transmutation from energy forms
from luminous beings
to pure Love and Light.
Mountains of Joy, Prosperity, Abundance.
Mountains of Beauty, Inspiration, and Balance
abounding elevating purifying
and blessing our existence as
this momentary indulgence
the Universe playing a human game
being Sun fed, warm Earth cradled, loved.
Recognizing the equality of all beings
as sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers,
blessed children and sacred grandparents,
teachers, lovers, angelic guardians.
Blessed by all the sweetness
by the mere essences that are truly all sustaining
by sharing and generosity
we gratefully experience excess
gratitude creating
healing and health
by giving love
creating belovedness
feeding the Earth that feeds us.
The path up the majestic Mountains
an Invitation
ascending to the peaks of wisdom
to our highest selves and our highest good.
Honoring rhythm and change
we are movement, we are the dance and
we are the chaos
in pure beauty and
intoxication with divine Earthly bounty,
benevolence and Love, Love, Love.
In wild abandon and gyration
into Energy, expanding and multiplying.
By honoring source, by gratefully accepting
the unlimited variety offered to earth’s children
dwelling on the nurturing belly
of the valley basin encircled by Guardian Mountains,
shaded, watered, fed and washed
by sacred voices in the clouds,
warmed and energized by Father Sun,
dreamt and foretold by Goddess Moon,
here now, breathing, thankful
accepting responsibility
Inspiring our own Words into Dreams,
Ideas into Reality,
Imagination into Blessed Wholeness,
This Gift for our Descendants